# Do not modify this file manually. Use build script to change version.
# Do not commit changes of this file into the Version Control System.
When we talk about application (version, version code) we have a rule: major version(chapter), minor version(verse)...etc...
In computer programming, we find it as a standard rule to use integers. However, the android platform finds violations to this rule. For example:-
version: 7.93.2-release.12
version: 2.0.b28
All the examples above are from MAJOR DEVELOPER ORGANIZATIONS. Thus, one infers they know what they are doing. Note: All data has been slightly modified to avoid leading you to the applications whence it was acquired.
I think in the past; Microsoft supplied all the codes and hence as a rule; all the versions followed suit. HOWEVER, the android platform gives flexibility in that as stated above in the technical definition of code; programmers have found usage.
I exemplified on twitter using:-
Color-version: 1.2.5.A(GBR-A)
Name: BlueDream
Name: PurpleDream
Name: SweetSweetDreamDream
Name: Daydream
Version: ...more...visit Twitter:/Gsabiya
Lifetime-manifest: 2.0 (prophecy)
I have a picture, a prophetic code. After many years have gone by it manifested with a propername = "Lifetime-manifest". I then created a {LifetimeManifest.xml} with no data to begin with except:
Now am thinking, maybe I should create a basic package package until further notice.
While thinking about prophecy, I had a FlashOfInsight[impartation] but I felt something was still missing thus, I used a searchcode(getAnswers) conjugate.
version* 1:35-something
After awhile, I came up with answers.
versionName: 1:35-release.37
versionCode: 42
The above example versionName has a code inclusive. The code is related but different from the versionCode from source. This makes me wonder: In AndroidManifest.xml some application have {versionCode} and another declaration {hasCode}
An unexpected occurrence while fworking i.a a shortcode which again makes me wonder about version.
Version: 1
So the question: How to I inculcate this into data file?
software code: 42
app version: 1 (1:35-release.37)
I then had a meditation on the release and "build-data.properties" came to mind-particularly "build.tool=Blaze, release blaze-2018.10.01-5 (mainline @132394564)"
Remember: Version Control System in discussion.
An organization created an application e.g
in a distant update they altered the package name e.g
They however did not alter the data files: it remained ...gmail
I don't know whether something I did created an extra data file but I find both declared package names different and the earlier version code different.
Package name | version code
com.android.gmail 113
com.android.gmail.google 540
extradata(metadata) file:
com.android.gmailkm 1622153466116
com.android.gmailzs 540
I searched everything and could not locate where this extradata originated from? I only know the file is associated with the two packages.
Maybe it's a "return propername(package name)"