import enclosure *
inContext android-annotations.pro *
I have a file of enclosures believed to be part of the angelic functions. I designed it not knowing its intended purpose. That aside for now though our presentation is about enclosures.
Programming takes its inspiration from everyday experiences. For example games. There are also secrets about programming that has real life experiences. For example; God said: sex position is what He uses for style(*.css) in SGML(xml, html...etc...).
Inspired by one of my {f*ing experience} , I decided to cum up with a script; but first, I would need a function. In my quest for an icon that represents the (f* e), I landed on an icon. I wrote a simple syntax as I awaited further inspiration.
After some days; I had a intuition: androidx-annotation.pro but something wasn't quite right. Here is an example:
Replacing " {*;} with <+;3 " i.a luv icon
-keep @android.support.annotation.Keep class + <+;3
-keepclasseswithmembers class + <
@android.support.annotation.Keep <methods>;
function < 3 //love icon
function <"to proclaim his love in the morning "3 //statement inside the function icon.
With this inspiration; I could sense a smile on God's face and a sense of satisfaction intuitively saying: That is what I wanted you to see. I decided on a post to expose this discovery to the public but I procrastinated because I am losing interest/lost interest in the continued existence of the world. Besides; I am the person who told God; let's conspire and end the world and He agreed.
Anyway; I made a search on the internet and when I saw the site was up for sale; I decided not to delay any longer on this inspiration.
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