Garysign | Garysign@
Gary Authority(GA)
Gary Certification Authority(GCA)
Better Securities Limited(BSL)
I wrote that my UPS was teeing because it was looking for {t} which it found in "Tsunami" after the recent event captured by satellite. Now it is teeing but looking for {Gary} . What is the Gary sign—is it something like the star when Jesus was born or is it cross symbolism of resurrection or something else?
Gary Authority:
"Gary is Anointing"—God. Anointing is authority. What are the many uses of the Gary authority?
Gary Certificate Authority:
My network didn't even want the Internet to know of it's existence until they were convinced otherwise as to why this information should not be hidden. Nonetheless key details are restricted. I did however highlight the {prophetic policy} on Facebook, which is under the jurisdiction of the Gary authority(GA)
Better Securities Limited:
Certificate is defined including issuer , organizational unit, organization... etc...this is the organization.
When chosichoosing images to be converted into certificate, choose wisely .
The certificate for colour is visualized two swirls of colour mix like two tornado viewed from a satellite.
Certificate for paint i.a if you have an iintelligence program; {A I} it can help make the choice. My laptop log_in picture was selected, ...etc...
There is also an image for the certificate "release"
The inspiration began like this:-
For reasons I will not like to disclose, somebody wanted nothing more to do with any of his friends including me. Then God later gave him a revelation which further inspired him to dump all friendship.
After awhile; something happened to him which gave him a strong desire to return to friendship. In response God made this statement:-
"I agree to your terms of dissociation."
Upon meditation; I somehow felt there is a need to have a digital certificate of dissociation. I thus, drafted one like a divorce certificate and awaiting further inspiration.
This is to certify that the following companies(a, b...etc...) known as "the associates" have dissociated under the following:-
Terms Of Dissociation
I however, did not draft in digital certificate format. Notwithstanding, the {A I} found usage in "application uninstallation"
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