Word reaction:-
Orgasm + Euphoria —> Orgasmaphoria
One day I was browsing the Internet and I saw a photograph of a lady in beach wear (G-string) with a pose: Suddenly I was seized with a very strong desire and I said to God "give her orgasm" as a short abrupt prayer. This was followed by the Holyspirit manifesting the answer. The Holyspirit is used to doing that i.a making a short prayer then manifesting the answer.
God once said; if a prayer gets answered; something manifests. In her picture there was a manifestation. I was calling this manifestation "orgasm" and God never commented. But recently in a statement He called this manifestation "Orgasmaphoria." And can be defined as the euphoria/ euphoric expression associated with "having an orgasm(sexaggeration)
While on my android, I had a flash of insight: The word exaggeration with an understanding.
Example: "Shield strength has been exaggerated by 10%" means the tensile strength of the shields has been increased by 10%. Before then, the word exaggerated; I understood to mean adding falsehood to the truth. E.g "I warned you a million times."
Meditation on the exaggeration resulted in another flash of insight. I would like to believe this word is a reaction of sexa + exaggeration —> sexaggeration
I want to say something about shields:-
I had a dream: I was told we are going into hyperspace. There was no indication that I was in a space vehicle and what I was seeing was a small black hole downwards. I was also told that shields have problem. I replied: correct it . instantly something was thrown out which I believe to be the problem: The word Nigeria and a digital code. It was a dream so I didn't capture the code. It was something like this thrown onto the edge of the black hole:-
Nigeria 529684838
This reminded me of the movie: "TRON " Where a piece of corrupt code was removed from the ISO program (lady) which allowed her to heal.
Alphanumeric: "Sex0cution" is a word God came up with. If you notice my processor as revealed on Twitter, you would understand why I use program sex0cution instead of program execution. Also I made a revelation on Facebook: If program is not fucking, it means you will not get what you want.
Long ago; God defined "Naked" as "the principle of truthfulness" and "Nakedromance" as "A type of marital relationship between God & man." How I came about Nakedromance is a long story. I created the phrase: "Naked romance" but God revealed it to a journalist saying "nakedromance: all one word." And I saw in vision what it was doing.
• This inspired me to create the Nakedromance colored word. And Now with android software; I could create the gif image to show activity.
• This program was reported as popping up on search engine globally. See the previous post; titled "TEST" for Nakedromance
Recently God was asked what He is doing with the word Nakedromance and He answered: "garymony." From this we can draw a reasonable conclusion that garymony is a "word reaction" :
{gary + matrimony —> garymony."}
And while covenant is a general term; garymony is a specific term.
God commented on a movie saying; "Omegasm" is the word they are looking for. I was off in my spelling by a letter "r" between O & m in omegasm.
I built a model; a code of some sort and captured the image. Based on what I had created; I tried to find a name for it. When I came up with the word "manifemale" God said I manifested a new word. I then used that inspiration to create a new "component service" program on my laptop.
This is a recent word God revealed and it is a resultant of coitus + incidental(?) I struggled with the spelling based on the pronunciation "co-e-dental" but for some reason, I felt "t" is included but is silent on the pronouncing. God then revealed the spelling inclusive of "t" is the Power-version: coitdental.
When God revealed that words with sperm value has a vàlue of 1 i.a {sperm value= 1} I tried out a "word reaction" a derivative of dick + dictionary. I wasn't serous about it until God defined it as containing words with sperm value. This is good for programming because words that don't have sperm value is not a blessing.
I noticed that the cache of words are becoming many and it occurred to me WE NEED A DICTIONARY OF TRUTHS. I have noticed that a word can have direct conflicting definition in reference to first definition and second definition of the same word. Maybe that is one of the reason GOD needs an {AI} dictionary to avoid conflict of understanding.
in year 2000, I was listening to a late night show and the presenter talked about relationships where one person is in love while the other is not and wanted a word for it. God gave her the word i.a "Platonic". Dictionary definition however seems to be off.
Recently I heard God telling a female to stop looking for what dictionary is doing with words. I believe this is not to say she should stop checking up word definition.
I also find it disturbing that dictionary doesn't really like God. {Holyspirit} all one word; God revealed the spelling of His name. In conversation In a very strong angry tone, somebody said to God: "We will never include it." Meaning they will never include it in the dictionary.
God revealed the first language is sex. This might not be unconnected with an actress whom I showed something she did and she responded; "everything you are doing with language is sex."
Using this inspiration; one could say we have a programming language "sex" or masked as "first language" or "first" for short. The third testament of the Bible(Additions To The New Testament) is restoration covenant. And these three [covenant] remain and the greatest of these covenant is the covenant of love. I suspect that to be garymony. see 1 Corinthians 13:13 NIV 1984
(verb): To forcefully separate an essential part (of "something"): to forcefully detach e.g to deject the external fuel tanks from a fighter aircraft while in flight for better maneuvering during a Dodge-Fight.
More can be said but this should suffice for understanding of the message.