Friday, September 30, 2022


 Wavefunction: perform by propagation(waving)

Function: Perform as expected when called

Malfunction: failure to perform as expected when called.

Dysfunction: failure to perform when called

A• "Any program not designed by power will have many problems"—God 

B• "If a function is an icon, you must give it space to vibrate"—God

Based on this statement taken as a proposition:

1• the word of God is not subject to proof or disproof: but is self evident and

2• a bases for a logical argument.

An assertion from A above: 

programs that have many problems although defined as functions are running i.a "function() --> malfunction()

We also know that well designed programs can have problems when an update is issued. This might be due to update not designed by power. No offence Microsoft, but your browser might have been suffering from a lack of power which might explain the "snail" pace loading.

A dysfunction is a worse case scenario where a well designed program for some reason, fails to perform when called. Dysfunction might be one of the reasons frequent syntax changes are required in some software. Today a syntax works; tomorrow there is a dysfunction.

Whether dysfunction or malfunction; lack of power is a key reason. There is such a thing as {syntax holder} God has revealed what I am using to hold syntax. What happens to the Internet if I dump the hold?

Assertion from B above:

"If  (function is an icon) then {you must give it space to vibrate} andif (function vibrates} then {function is a wavefunction}

It is my belief that the main function controlling all the other function is a wavefunction

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