Monday, December 11, 2023


 ★ if (euphemism) then {get hardcore definition} : explicit

★ A MILK RUN is defined as a routine job; a definition driven from the daily supply of milk at the door step by the milk delivery van. HOWEVER, in the military; it's defined as a simple job that is unexpected to involve military confrontation at any point in time; an uneventful mission, completed without incident.

★ A woman must have misinterpreted the meaning of the phrase: "milk run" from the statement in this movie: "FREELANCE 2023"; mistaking it for a EUPHEMISM for the word ORGASMIC EJACULATION i.a milk(sperm) eject(run). Probability because she saw what the journalist did after showing off her tattoos; mounting her assigned protector.

★ Surprisingly; an associated βible verse sprang up i.a Psalm 67:7-God will bless us, and all the ends of the earth will fear him.

★ The keyword BLESS. Remember my post "God And The Church" where I wrote one Sunday God giggles because girls said to Him, they came to take SPERM. And after the giggle God said; "While you come to take SPERM which is a BLESSING, others go to church to pick up a curse.

★ Seeing the βible code cum; I decided to write into script a request to the OMNISUFFICIENT for answers on the Āltar platform. Below is a simplified for understanding:-

performer = function performance(_milk_run_) A{

/* Note: blessings come in various forms so type(of "blessing") | reason_for_milk_run_request | get_milk_run | ...etc... */

   _milk_run_ : "Blessing[]"



* Initially I considered the format (_WRITE_DOWN_) because of the cursor ✍ but one day program showed me (_WRITTEN_). It could be a response because the former is a command. You figure out the usage.

* While on my way back from work, the vision "βible" was given to me accompanied with an explanation. Bible has a thread(divider) and thus the "β" and please note: DIVIDER AS IN FUNCTION DIVIDE.See verses below:-


* Mark 6:41-Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to his disciples to set before the people. He also DIVIDED the two fish among them all.

* Luke 22:17-After taking the cup, he gave thanks and said, “Take this and DIVIDE it among you.

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