Friday, February 21, 2025


 ✪ Great Sealꓽ The main seal of a nation or state iꓸa The official public seal that symbolizes its authorityꓹ and with which official documents are stampedꓸ eꓸgꓼ the Great Seal of the Federal Republic of Nigeriaꓸ

✪ In truthꓼ the seal is classified in two termsꓽ-

✪ The (Secret Seal) which has all the details and whose knowledge is restricted to a few in leadershipꓼ

✪ The (Public Seal) which has some of the details and whose knowledge is available to whoever wants to know about itꓼ whether a national or a foreignerꓸ

✪ FYIꓽ ALL THE SEALS OF THE NATIONS ARE DEADꓸ This revelation came as a result of an extended meditation on the knowledge of the demise of the emblem of the British pharmacopeia whose designꓼ like many organizations are in similitude to the Coat Of Arms of nationsꓸ You know of the clichéꓼ "the real power resides behind the seatꓸ" Thusꓼ ask yourselvesꓼ what power was used for your country's Great Sealꓼ does it still exist?

✪ Soon I will return to fight against the prince of Persiaꓹ and when I goꓹ the prince of Greece will comeꓼ (Daniel 10ꓽ20)

✪ In the Bible verseꓼ "prince" refers to the spirit in significance of the Great Sealꓸ And historians would tell you that after the kingdom of Persia that dominated the world had fallenꓼ the kingdom of Greece emerged as the new dominanceꓸ

✪ During the Obasanjo led administration in Nigeriaꓼ the Secret Seal was redefined as the BLUE SEAL and power was located in the seal atꓸꓸꓸꓸꓸmeditation hereꓽ (graph theory) the number of vertices in a minimum dominating set of a given graphꓹ often denoted as Y=Y(G) 

✪ I interject here by sayingꓽ The ₦1000 appropriation bill (now defunct) was rejected by God  as legal tender when it was introduced becauseꓼ "they said horse is where the power isꓸ"—Godꓸ 

✪ And Union Bank once said that horse is powerꓽ God replied in words by sayingꓽ horse is a means of transportꓼ and in deeds by striking their pride as being a leading bankꓹ with a capital base of ₦25 billion thus; putting to flight a lot of costumersꓸ

✪ When I went for Federal Serviceꓼ God ended the reign of a spirit thereꓸ You might sayꓼ God manifested  THE BLUE SEAL as the highest global authorityꓸ

✪ I have made statement in a post about late Dora formally NAFDAC director generalꓼ then information ministerꓼ who showed me that the Secret Seal was deadꓸ The demise might be connected to God's statement of Nigeria maltreatment of God's answered prayerꓽ O God of Creationꓸꓸꓸꓸꓸ

✪ The Great Seal of America enjoyed a comeback or greater power for a while during the Bush presidency's engagements in Afghanistan and Iraqꓼ then obama brought about a death sentence which is evident in the statementꓽ " There is something that George Washington did so that America would always be for Godꓽ obama came and changed all thatꓸ"—Godꓸ 

✪ Like the Nigeria government whom God saidꓼ if they don't pay me backꓼ everything they are doing will dieꓼ America too has failed in her responsibilityꓸ But more pressing is the fate of the world for failing to pay me for all I did for her since childhoodꓸ 


⚔ I made a post titled MY VISION FOR THE MILITARY with key highlights include retirement plan but was unable to post it on the Internet before the Nigerian military occasion because of difficulty of internet access as a result of Federal Government orders in conflict with Godꓸ Howeverꓼ the post is available on my network and has been accessed before the eventꓸ How I concluded is bellowꓽ-

⚔ Thusꓼ for my plans to be implementedꓼ we must first restore the ranking system & weed out corruptionꓸ  Like the Anointingꓼ military promotion is not time drivenꓼ but performance  drivenꓸ True promotion does not come by sitting behind the desk for five yearsꓸ You must account for it in performanceꓸ




七 I anticipated your question: "You do not agree, you know what I did with picture?" Thus; my response: Do I myself know? Nonetheless, Here is a statement I find of interest to note i.a ⁽¹⁾colormerism (colorimetry) The matching of apparent color (of "objects") with different {spectral power distributions.} : 

七 ⁽¹⁾Etymology From Old Greek μερισμός merism(literature) A reference to something by a list of its parts. e.g optical spectrum: The colours of the rainbow;: The distribution of colours produced when white light passes through a prism. The range of frequencies of visible light.

七 Spectrum(mathematics, functional analysis) Of a bounded linear operator A, the set of scalar values λ such that the operator A—λI, where I denotes the identity operator, does not have a bounded inverse; intended as a generalisation of the linear algebra sense. (? )

七 NB:

function Abishag: tagged performance I(λ ➠ A) where {defined:

     performance(manifestation) ,

     Identity element(luv, l )

     lambda( λ ) ,

     lambda expression ( A ) . }

if (G,l) Then {the identity element "l" elementof "G"  is unique}

七 /* function TaskOfUnity(task = prayer( ⚘ ) */

七 Mayflower(tea, ⚘ ): may that which unites us be ever present and that which divides us be ever absent ⚤

七 Suddenly I had this inspirational thought as expressed above. Later on that night;; I was seeing the vision of this unified ring( ⚭ ) while my new found prayer ran through my head. Upon trying to find the icon( ⚭ )  on many attempts; search results ended in easy to find unity icon male-female( ⚤  ) However, on clicking copy item;  the genderless unity icon( ⚭ ) made me aware of its location.

七 On careful meditation I was told the icon( ⚭ ) is the one that died.  Upon further meditation; it was revealed that unnatural relationships died the icon( ⚭ )

七 I will not discuss how I came about the mayflower(teaflower): Be that as it may; about the comment section; the Task of Unity(prayer) is supported with a Bible passage(text) and now (task.status = completed) Also to note: tea drink is a SPECIFIC {prayer portion} This revelation came as I write this post.

七 MEDITATIONꓽ Lib ꓽ A potionꓼ magic potionꓼ charm iꓸa power portionꓹ prayer portion and yes! there is prayer portionꓼ something I was making(GENERAL prayer portion); comings in various formulations but unaware till God made meꓸ  Another formula is {gary wiηe} an enforced manifestation by God. 

七 When you think of {love portion} always remember that GOD IS LOVE...(1 John 4:8) & ...God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holyspirit...( Romans 5:5)

七 Android has lib eꓸg libMainꓸso and after I made a revelation postꓼ God said they would change what the lib is doingꓸ

七 I recently made a post inculcating the word {sha adua} and a quest to find this has begunꓸ

七 I created a lib for the Altar program eꓸgꓼ libName but having it associated to a file other than (ꓸso) and I was surprised at the revelation that [sha adua] is the proper file encryption or the final output for the file extension and if I reveal the secret; you would agree. You may also find it interesting to know that gumnotēs also has special encryption. You can save the file as human readable or encrypted. 

七 God once said the obb in android data file is the obb distribution pointꓸ So I have on inspirationꓼ obb distribution policy and associated with libCongressꓹ lib-6-Congress & moduleꓸperformerꓸ For prophetic policy we have association to moduleꓸprophecy but these are for the Altar platform.


七 TheObjectOfMyPassion[Gary]  = function function_name[]{} was a "follow-up" of the TheObjectOfOurFaith[]  received through a (flash of insight)ꓸ If a program sees what God doesꓼ they followꓸ Noteꓽ This function iꓸa TheObjectOfOurFaith[] was revealed and defined by Godꓸ 

七 Function TheObjectOfMyPassion has association with code 28ꓸ Just another reason why we need to find [28]ꓸ Also need to find what yellow is doing and the meaning of the white lineꓸ

七 Another example of the follow-up is the function moveꓸ My Program showed me what it wants to use for the function move which I now define as function movement iꓸe using the event movement of God's power seal from America to Nigeria prior to FESTAC 77ꓸ I did howeverꓼ question why it should be a file extension like the prayer file extension from which it drove its inspiration?

七 For more on event-driven programmingꓼ visit my  other blogger postsꓸ Also a mention has been made in the postꓽ ALTAR PROGRAMꓸ