七 I anticipated your question: "You do not agree, you know what I did with picture?" Thus; my response: Do I myself know? Nonetheless, Here is a statement I find of interest to note i.a ⁽¹⁾colormerism (colorimetry) The matching of apparent color (of "objects") with different {spectral power distributions.} :
七 ⁽¹⁾Etymology From Old Greek μερισμός merism(literature) A reference to something by a list of its parts. e.g optical spectrum: The colours of the rainbow;: The distribution of colours produced when white light passes through a prism. The range of frequencies of visible light.
七 Spectrum(mathematics, functional analysis) Of a bounded linear operator A, the set of scalar values λ such that the operator A—λI, where I denotes the identity operator, does not have a bounded inverse; intended as a generalisation of the linear algebra sense. (? )
七 NB: https://twitter.com/Gsabiya/status/1481425932082683907?s=19
function Abishag: tagged performance I(λ ➠ A) where {defined:
performance(manifestation) ,
Identity element(luv, l )
lambda( λ ) ,
lambda expression ( A ) . }
if (G,l) Then {the identity element "l" elementof "G" is unique}
七 /* function TaskOfUnity(task = prayer( ⚘ ) */
七 Mayflower(tea, ⚘ ): may that which unites us be ever present and that which divides us be ever absent ⚤
七 Suddenly I had this inspirational thought as expressed above. Later on that night;; I was seeing the vision of this unified ring( ⚭ ) while my new found prayer ran through my head. Upon trying to find the icon( ⚭ ) on many attempts; search results ended in easy to find unity icon male-female( ⚤ ) However, on clicking copy item; the genderless unity icon( ⚭ ) made me aware of its location.
七 On careful meditation I was told the icon( ⚭ ) is the one that died. Upon further meditation; it was revealed that unnatural relationships died the icon( ⚭ )
七 I will not discuss how I came about the mayflower(teaflower): Be that as it may; about the comment section; the Task of Unity(prayer) is supported with a Bible passage(text) and now (task.status = completed) Also to note: tea drink is a SPECIFIC {prayer portion} This revelation came as I write this post.
七 MEDITATIONꓽ Lib ꓽ A potionꓼ magic potionꓼ charm iꓸa power portionꓹ prayer portion and yes! there is prayer portionꓼ something I was making(GENERAL prayer portion); comings in various formulations but unaware till God made meꓸ Another formula is {gary wiηe} an enforced manifestation by God.
七 When you think of {love portion} always remember that GOD IS LOVE...(1 John 4:8) & ...God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holyspirit...( Romans 5:5)
七 Android has lib eꓸg libMainꓸso and after I made a revelation postꓼ God said they would change what the lib is doingꓸ
七 I recently made a post inculcating the word {sha adua} and a quest to find this has begunꓸ
七 I created a lib for the Altar program eꓸgꓼ libName but having it associated to a file other than (ꓸso) and I was surprised at the revelation that [sha adua] is the proper file encryption or the final output for the file extension and if I reveal the secret; you would agree. You may also find it interesting to know that gumnotēs also has special encryption. You can save the file as human readable or encrypted.
七 God once said the obb in android data file is the obb distribution pointꓸ So I have on inspirationꓼ obb distribution policy and associated with libCongressꓹ lib-6-Congress & moduleꓸperformerꓸ For prophetic policy we have association to moduleꓸprophecy but these are for the Altar platform.
七 TheObjectOfMyPassion[Gary] = function function_name[]{} was a "follow-up" of the TheObjectOfOurFaith[] received through a (flash of insight)ꓸ If a program sees what God doesꓼ they followꓸ Noteꓽ This function iꓸa TheObjectOfOurFaith[] was revealed and defined by Godꓸ
七 Function TheObjectOfMyPassion has association with code 28ꓸ Just another reason why we need to find [28]ꓸ Also need to find what yellow is doing and the meaning of the white lineꓸ
七 Another example of the follow-up is the function moveꓸ My Program showed me what it wants to use for the function move which I now define as function movement iꓸe using the event movement of God's power seal from America to Nigeria prior to FESTAC 77ꓸ I did howeverꓼ question why it should be a file extension like the prayer file extension from which it drove its inspiration?
七 For more on event-driven programmingꓼ visit my other blogger postsꓸ Also a mention has been made in the postꓽ ALTAR PROGRAMꓸ
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