Friday, January 31, 2025



sha adua 

BENEDICTION A short invocation for help, blessing and guidance from God, often said on behalf of another person or persons

BENECEPTOR A sensory receptor that sends pleasurable or beneficial signals

BENEDICTINE A type of liqueur originating from the Benedictine cloister of Fécamp in France, made from cognac together with herb and spice extracts.

BENEDIZIONE A "sperm drug" that acts on the BENEDICTINE receptors N.B. "While you come to take Sperm which is a blessing; others go to church to pick up a curse"—God. 

AFFECTIVE DISORDER (psychology) Any of various disorders characterized by disturbance in an individual's mood.(MOOD DISORDER)


• Treatment of affective disorder related events & experimental in combination with other drugs indicated in any type of brain function disorders.

• Countermand adverse events of other drugs known to induce affective disorder (treatment or prophylaxis)

• Experimental results adds to standard indications

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