Friday, January 31, 2025


7 - theme.sqq

7 - theme: state of the nation address sqq

A. (↯) "I will not talk about all the violations of the constitution; but will concentrate on the presidency since that is the highest decision maker. The legislation we see as rubber stamps. If the Lord delights in a man’s way, he makes his steps firm; though he stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand."—Gary{Holyspirit}

B. (↯) To the Citizens of Nigeria; my people:
1. (a) I commend you on our patient suffering under the Tinubu Administration as a result of bad decisions sequel to a constitutionally bad leadership and bad governance; and not just a lack of wisdom. And as we await our salvation; be assured: "The sun never fails to outlive the storm."
    (b) Taking passages from the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria:-


We the people of the Federal Republic of Nigeria

Having firmly and solemnly resolve, to live in harmony and unity as one indivisible and dissolvable sovereign nation under God.....

And to provide for a constitution for the purpose of promoting the good government and welfare of all persons in our country....
1. (↯) commentator:
    (a) we have placed ourselves under the supreme authority i.a God Almighty creator of the universe. Furthermore; we have provided for ourselves a constitution with the primary objective of accomplishments of good government and welfare of all Nigerians.
   (b) And when those we have constituted in authority for our desired accomplishments fail us; we revisit our supreme authority with our prayers i.a God Almighty; creator of the heavens and the earth.
    (c) While we do that! I also play my individual role as best I can to bring salvation to those who are waiting. I was tasked by God on a spiritual level to keep the unity of this country; a function I carried into process presumably since the reign of Ibrahim Babangida when I was tasked to "Bring The Country Out Out Of Its Present Predicament": A job welldone.
    (d) I know people look up to me in circumstances where everything else has failed because I am God's spokes person. I also know that my previous posts has given the nation hope and then there was silence.
    (i) Be rest assured that "silence in heaven for half an hour" doesn't mean nothing was happening. (Revelation 8:1)
    (ii) While former president Ebele Jonathan was in office and government was crumbling; I met a young lady who looked despondent. God said to her: "I will kill him." Jonathan used February 14 for his comeback game. His game was killed. Jonathan tried to change his fate by changing the date; but he did not have resurrection power.
    (iii) I have once again carried function to process. In response, in reference to Tinubu & Shettima; God said: :If they don't know where their death is! And recently l have seen the physical manifestation of an event that signifies their death. This means even if they know where their death is; its too late to act and we know they cannot have resurrection power.

C . (↯) To the Citizens of Nigeria, my people in patient suffering; waiting for salvation:
2. (a) Do not take my statement of a CONSTITUTIONALLY bad leadership and bad governance as an error for the following selected constitutional reasoning:-

The Fundamental Objectives and Directive Principles of State Policy

14. (2) It is hereby accordingly declared that:
       (b) The security and welfare of the people shall be the primary purpose of government.
        (↯) commentator: Government has failed awfully in its primary purpose:
        (1) The current administration might not be responsible for instigation of insecurity and failure of welfare; but bad decisions has certainly fuelled failure.
        (2)There is an exponential increase of insecurity and many people have been forced below the poverty line and some to death.
        (3) A women committing a life imprisonment crime because she knows government will have to feed her is unheard of.

15. (4) The State shall foster a state of belonging and of involvement among the various people of the federation,...
        (↯) commentator: With the recent review of salaries;
        (1) people have commented that "government doesn't know we too are Nigerians."
        (2) This animosity did not come to mind in long forgotten administration because they were fearful of the consequences of the so called "subsidy" removal.

        (5) The State shall abolish all corrupt practices and abuse of power.
        (↯) commentator: This is a monumental failure;
        (1) a flagrant disregard of Oaths of Allegiance & Oath of Office.
        (2) There was a year Australia were in celebrations of entering a new year and God said to them: "You cannot enter a new year ahead of Me."
        (3) Propositionally; God is operating from Nigeria and thus, the question: God in a country rated amongst the most corrupt in the world: how do you think He is responding to this?

16. (2) The State shall direct its policy towards ensuring:
        (b) that the material resources of the nation are harnessed and distributed as best as possible to serve the common good.
        (↯) commentator: petroleum is one of the major material resources:
        (1) Everyone benefits from low prices and this is the best constitutional implementation.
        (2) "The theft of oil wealth is too much that is why internal pricing of petrol is not ₦140 per liter"—God

        (c) that the economic system is not operated in such a manner as to permit the concentration of ⌞national⌟ wealth or means of production and exchange in the hands of few individuals or group;...
        (↯) commentator: During the Obasanjo administration; God emphatically said:
        (1) Do not deregulate the petroleum sector of the national economy.
        (2) The administration flaunted the advice when the then vice president proclaimed: "There is no going back on deregulation." Thus; worsening the state of affairs.
        (3) This constitutional britches has taken a turn for the worse with the so called subsidy removal.

17. (2) In furtherance of the social order-
        (c) government actions shall be humane;
        (↯) commentator: When Nigerians protested against the high cost of petroleum products;
        (1) Tinubu addressed the nation on how much money has been generated by subsidy removal.
        (2) There are ways to run the economy humanely but it requires wisdom and the ability to stand up against foreign puppeteers.

        (3) The State shall direct its policy towards ensuring that-
        (a) all citizens, without discrimination on any group whatsoever, have the opportunity for securing adequate means of livelihood as well as adequate opportunity to secure suitable employment
        (↯) commentator: We all know the corruption in employments; its hardly on merits:
        (1) I remember visiting a federal office and somebody who likes stealing was employed. God said to the head of the office; You know he likes stealing that is why you gave him employment.
        (2) I had problems with an organization because God wanted me to see how bad the corruption in government was. This reminds me of Ezekiel 8(He said to me, “Do you see this, son of man? You will see things that are even more detestable than this.”)
        (3) Bribery and corruption is now rampant in employment.

18. (2) Government shall promote science and technology
        (↯) commentator: Why then do foreign nations have technologies I inspired and not Nigeria:
        (1)) Nigerian Aerospace/Space Research and Development Authority (NASRDA) with emphasis on spacecraft design was created because I like watching space movies particularly the popular Star Trek series and mind you I am the inspiration for the series: Voyager & Deep Space 9
        (2) NCC is from the starship Enterprise NCC 1701 with the objective of having the universal translator; an advanced communication system which is now available as an android application but not yet as advanced as the Sci-fi version.
        (3) DS4G an advanced ion-engine used for satellite propulsion system has the advantage of pushing efficiency; further than ever thought of: Shouldn't NASRDA have been the one to pioneer the advancement; taking into context my latent role in the project?
        (4) Military technology is not left behind with
        (i) Fuel-Air bomb; second only to a nuclear bomb but environmentally friendly —a product of my childhood experiment.
        (ii) Missiles such as the LASER immune missiles which every missile industry is focused on; steam propelled missiles which Chinese military has put into service. Note: the steam propulsion theory was first tested by North Korea. The hypersonic missiles...etc...are technologies the Nigeria Defense Industry should have brought about.
        (iv) I have proposed an update to the AWACS aircraft which has been accepted into design & manufacturing—does nigeria even have AWACS?
        (v) Advanced AI Warfare Advisory System(already operational in theaters i.a battlesphere & performance evaluation conclusion: very dependable)
        (vi) I can't talk about all the technologies because they are too many. LEDs, military fuel bunkers, prototype of the Faster Than Light propulsion system, Stargate, wireless transmission of energy without the side effects of harmful electromagnetic radiation, Shortwave television transmission, Stargate Atlantis movie series weapon such as drones, LASER & MHD propulsion systems, Gravity repulsion propulsion system (repulser engine says a movie)...etc...
        (vi) The whole point being: the state of the nation with regards to technology should have been a leading one. I forgot to mention the Floodgates Operating System(FgOs, Remita) and the Global Intelligent Financial Transaction System[GIFTS] popularly called "transfer". For example: are you not happy you can make purchase in Google play store in Naira? We have vulnerabilities in the store which GIFTS can avoid.

19. The foreign policy objective shall be-
        (a) promotion and protection of the national interest;
(↯) commentator: What is our national interest?
        (b) promotion of African integration and support for African unity
        (↯) commentator: As head of ECOWAS, Tinubu had acted unconstitutionally, rash and without wisdom with regard to the military rule in Niger:
        (1) We all understand the need for force majeure in extreme circumstances to save a nation.
        (2) The people of Niger were jubilant on the streets at the salvation brought in by the military.
        (3) Was Tinubu angry at their newly found freedom; was his action of threatening military action a humane response and was it in the spirit of promotion of African integration and support for African unity?
        (4) Inspite of my warning that this was an act of God; a divine intervention; Tinubu proceeded with his threat. This leaves a questions as to whether or not; Tinubu was acting under pressure from France.
        (5) If the people had cried out for help; then, like our intervention in South Africa during the apartheid era; it would have been constitutional and in the in spirit of promoting African integration and support for African unity
        (6) Today our relationship with Niger and other African countries are not cordial. But I appeal to them not to loose hope in our unity; I address them directly when I say; I have given you reason to know we are still together. They should not treat the whole nation as enemies on account of bad leadership.
        (7) I am aware of the reason it was reported that Niger was moving troops to the border and the resultant outcome—the reason ECOWAS lost its status as an enforcer—though not evidently yet. [He grants peace to your borders and satisfies you with the finest of wheat.(Psalm 147:14) ]
        (8) I am also aware of the tensions that still exists as we are at the brink of going to war with each other.
        (9) President Tinubu, I decline giving any help against Niger because this would mean disregarding divine intervention. I will not be on opposite sides with God my Father. Remember; we have constitutionally placed ourselves under God.

24. It shall be the duty of all citizens to-
        (b) help to enhance the power, prestige and good name of Nigeria, defend Nigeria and render such national service as may be required;
        (↯) commentator:
        (1) There are those who want me to confess that if I don't become President, Nigeria will die.
        (2) Others say my foreign relationships are too many.
        (3) The undertones of some state visitors are alarming to the politicians.
        (4) I was invited to live in another country: they say Nigeria is too corrupt for me. Others because they want my technology. Another because they believe in my help.
        (5) Blocking my phone line has significantly contributed to animosity against Nigeria.....

        (d) make positive and useful contributions to the advancement, progress and well-being of the community where he resides;
        (↯) commentator: This section I quote because I was once called a "community wealth builder."

The Executive

Part I

Federal Executive

A - The President of the Federation

138. The President shall not during his tenure of office, hold any other executive office or paid employment in any capacity whatsoever.
        (↯) commentator:

Seventh Schedule


Oaths of Allegiance

I.....Do solemnly swear/affirm that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to the Federal Republic of Nigerian and that I will preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigerian.

Oath of Office of President

• I.....Do solemnly swear/affirm that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance

• As president of the Federal Republic of Nigerian, I will discharge my duties to the best of my ability, faithfully and in accordance with the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigerian and the law
        Commentator: Keynote i.a "in accordance with the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigerian" All commentator statements above highlights failure; particular to note is the failure of the key objective of the constitution.

• and always in the interest of the sovereignty, integrity, well-being and prosperity of the Federal Republic of Nigerian.
        Commentator: Can the president convince us that his action is not in the best interest of foreign players like France and America. Is it true when God says; Tinubu does whatever America wants out of fear.....?

• that I will strive to preserve the Fundamental Objective and Directive principle of State Policy contained in the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigerian
        Commentator: I have commented on this section of the Constitution in details above.

• I will not allow my personal interest to influence my official conduct or my official decisions
        Commentator: Does Mr. President see cutting off electricity supply to Niger as a wise decision or the abrupt termination of the so-called fuel subsidy—what about TETFUND?

• that I will to the best of my ability preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigerian.
        Commentator: Everything said so far is a failure of our key values in the Constitution.

• I will do right to all manner of people, according to law, without fear or favour, affection or ill-will
        There is a grievance that made Sanusi Lamido; former governor of the Central Bank Nigeria to comment that, he will not offer advisory assistance to the Tinubu administration. I also find the government response as inappropriate.

• I will devote myself to the service and the well-being of the people of Nigerian.
        Commentator: In the history of this nation; the well-being of the people has never been this bad. The "punishment" inflicted on the people are very severe.

Conclusion On The State Of The Nation:

There is no need to further comment on the chaotic situation we find ourselves in; one that is worse in the history of our nation. Until we can address leadership; we cannot fix our situation. (2 Timothy 2:5)

if anyone competes as an athlete, he does not receive the victor’s crown unless he competes according to the rules. Is this what we are doing at the voting stations? I have seen a vision of a scheme for 2027 simultaneously with an intelligence report:-

Who are those using their phones to photograph previous ballots cast in the north and sending them to a coalition center in Lagos; what does this vision mean?

God’s Answer “If you have raced with men on foot and they have worn you out, how can you compete with horses? If you stumble in safe country, how will you manage in the thickets by the Jordan? (Jeremiah:12:5 )
        Governor Fintiri: If you cannot tell "small boy" to fulfill the agreement he signed up to—as instructed by God; what makes you think you can handle the office of the presidency?
        As a governor, a person is of little concern to the international community. As a president; you realize how difficult it is to govern under pressure from external forces. Tinubu is aware by now.

caretaker government (politics) A government that rules temporarily, for example after a motion of no confidence in a parliamentary system i.a the legislative branch of government, a deliberative assembly.

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