I named the picture @jobs but my program said @jobs0ffer so I renamed it asuch because it makes more sense. If you have been following my Facebook post, I talked about {has0ffer}
witch that wanted to steal {A} I for Azerbaijan during the small conflict with Armenia said "at job satisfaction" what do you think? This reminds me: I need to kill that spirit before it does harm.
/*while we wait for the blessed hope—the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, */
performer define(blessed hope | wait job | job){
blessed hope = { "the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ" }
wait job = { "wait for blessed hope" }
job = {speed blessed hope"} /*understanding later in post*/
job = { "/*hidden.from public*/" } : job to end wait job
} accomplish
performer perform_jobs(wait job | job){
while {wait job} meanwhile {job}
} accomplish
There is also the TRUTH-TABLE PROPOSITION in association with IF, THEN ["Associated ifs" — your idea of my extended if, then statement]
You can also write script to get the [ultimate significance | anthropomorphic actualization i.a expected occurance | dayhour i.a beforehand | ...etc...]
I see what God does sometimes as a program syntax; usually something I came up with. Remember Godsays: "{Powered-by: } is my syntax." There are other program syntax he talked about however, let me restrict to avoid going beyond the post heading.
I kept the job a secret, but here is a question: If you are doing a {wait job} i.a "waiting for somebody" what else can you do i.a {job} ?
• call the person telling him your strong desire for his presence; that he shows up quickly.
• go spiritual on him with a prayer; requesting God to remove obstacles preventing him from presenting himself.
• ...etc...
I have defined {wait job} but as explained above and looking at the verse below:-
/*... as you look forward to the day of
God and speed its coming*/
{job} may include; speed the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ.
So, how do you speed up prophecy (Come To Pass)? I remember one of Godsays: "what witches are doing is trying to prevent me from reaching the date I want to reach before ending the world." That is one way.
recently Godsays: "If I don't kill Fauci my people will die." I believe this statement goes beyond killing an individual.
I came across {marana tha} while word searching and looking at the eyes of the sexy lady in context; why not an insertion of the word into the anthropomorphic program?
22 If anyone does not love the Lord—a curse be on him. Come, O Lord e!
e 22 In Aramaic the expression Come, O Lord is Marana tha
e 22 In Aramaic the expression Come, Ο Lord is Marana tha
Many years back I had an interest for the word "Marana tha". However, I did not like the idea of it being "two words". I thought of hyphenation but then had a better programming idea: Insert[] power in the spacing i.a an Anthropomorphic program that returns a value @anthropomorphic_actualization
Inspired by a draft triggered by the conflict of ("vested" Vs "saddled") with the responsibility; I created {Marana tha} file. while I was about to update, Godsaid: "It must die."
The writer console I used has its own functions [copy, undo, save...etc...] I wanted to paste the crashed word below but it only does replace. I click undo to go back. After a few attempts, I decided on the replace according to Godsays[]
It should be noted I could not use the keyboard because: For some reason, service employment was denied. It is no surprise since God once blocked my email sending protocol forcing me to change the subject of the email to allow for send.
Omicron "Ο" (u+039F)
Godsays: "You now know what Omicron is used for."
Marana tha{Come Ο Lord}
{way object} ; the object of our faith.