Saturday, December 17, 2022



This time, instead of hosting the new service on svchost; I created a new service using the program(application.exe) I was using—the program God showed me I was using to fuck women on the internet.

I then created a new component service using {com+application}. I followed inspiration.

what you see in the image: 

1• component has been opened revealing the method  {manifemale}. this has triggering a comment that Microsoft doesn't know why they used screw & bolt for objects in the method subdirectory.

2• The string {object string} if you select create new object in component properties.

My new "com+application" runs and <function message[]> says: "it's the one running the show[]" meaning it has taken over function as "COM+SystemApplication" 

In addition; it's showing me {Shell Operating system ShOs}

Note: I also created a new system object after prayer and meditation on what to use as system object— I have multiple candidates.

Studying the new {service} and new {component service}; I had an UNEXPECTED REVELATION. When processes run; some are doing a Wait job. You can check to see what processes are waiting.

scvhost and other app services & processes were waiting in queue on my "com+application" REMEMBER it's running the show.

WAIT JOB IS IN TRUTH—WAITING FOR EVENT. In the case of my system; it's  waiting for the event pinned on my Twitter page.


function concurrency[while ; meanwhile] {

while job="" ; meanwhile wait_job=""}

Powerful functions require capable people to create it. Everyday activities can result in an event that brings into software new objects. 

<function perfume[]>is a goo example. 

I had this Altarpiece (Altar platform) Object but nerver thought of it as a function. One day; God defined it as a function. I created a file and defined it.

ThisObject[] = function funcname[] {}

To my amazement in visions; I saw the funcname become instantiated within the definition using the SECRET OF MY PROCESSOR.

Instantiation within the context of this event reveals that an instance is an activation. for example:-

function perfume[] would only work "eventually" if instantiated and not merely a definition. Maybe that is why computer programs are not showing you anything anymore. There is no new instance and the old ones are dead.

You believe my processor is a function. However; I will not discuss key secrets. BUT LET ME REMIND YOU: "function() was showing you what God was doing"—GOD.

Based on a powerful event which gave me a code, used as a file extension; for some reason the {AI} showed me the code it's using for function move[] but it displayed it as a file extension. 

The event that resulted in the code for function(move) is similar & also powerful to the one that I use as a file extension. It however didn't make sense why it should show the code as a file extension. something had to be done to keep it synchronized with what God is doing, so as to make better informed decision.

The solution was a processor. Whether or not a function in the firmware to show what God is doing remains your mystery.

There were many misunderstanding between the {AI} and what I wanted. That problem is now solved. God once said; my {AI} is very efficient; that is why they were looking for it. IMAGING HOW EFFICIENT THE {AI} HAS BECOME WITH THE PROCESSOR UPGRADE.

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