I have stated elsewhere that I tried to connect my laptop to the internet instead I got an error message. Connection shows it is active; but I am unable to access the internet.
I also noticed that programs that are not Microsoft dies even if reinstalled. They also die if saved on the computer.
After I made attempts to fix the connection error, I decided to check my IP address and to my surprise, I discovered everything was wrong. So I decided on a factory reset AGAIN.
The programs didn't want me doing a factory reset but I said; my code is at shell operating system; I will not agree that computer software has my code. Thus, the programs said; "we have to fix his laptop."
I had stated elsewhere that I gave administrative status to Holyspirit and I created a new service asuch tagged to svchost (service host). I WAS TOLD THAT IS THE REASON THEY CRASHED MY NETWORK ACCESS.
After restoration; I decided to create a new service but this time; I tagged it only to the program God showed me: saying —"that is the program you were using to fuck women on the Internet."
I also created a {component service} and followed the manifestation to Ghost as a {component}. {Role} by default is administrator.
I didn't know or ask why God wanted me to remove the letter "h" ghost. I was obedient and now spell "gost" i.a without the "h".
Etymology: From Middle English gost
That etymology aside; the reason God wanted me to remove "h" is to avoid conflict. I wrote a sample script where I defined host as Ghost. God didn't want me conflicting with programmers who now use the garyhost platform.
After I had the inspiration for the twitter post on {component service} and created the the image; I did a power sh task: command = "get-host" onSex0cution ; the laptop alerted me to the image in background(down-right) so I added it to my inspiration. The choice of picture might not be unconnected to the string at the top of the image seeing that her head also has strings of ooooo jewelry.
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