Tuesday, November 21, 2023


 Bible-code: (Leviticus 25:52){If only a few years remain until the Year of Jubilee, he is to compute that and pay for his redemption accordingly.}

Computer = function computation[sc]


           sc = YearOfJubilee

           compute sc}


error: year does not exist; try "topaz"


One night spirits said I should switch on my laptop but I ignored the call. About a day or two later I decided to switch it on. THERE WAS NO RESPONSE.  After I made a public complaint, I was told that my program moved out of the laptop that is why it died.

I was advised to take it for repairs but I objected saying I spend upto 3,4 months atimes without switching it on. Furthermore stating what I can do with android software; computer program cannot do. 

The function above is just an inspiration and  TOPAZ (b, c, f) is of the prophetic almanac and not calendar. Note also: topaz c syntax was a vision of an eventful manifestation. decided to name the file topaz which could also be a file extension and later I decided on the variants and hence the "class".

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