Thursday, June 30, 2022


Preamble: It is my belief that it's more efficient to generate heat using a filament bulb concept  because it seems energy to heat conversion is more efficient this way than using high current metal filament.

Cathode rays from the bulb may play a role in the heating process but that is another area of research. The good thing about science: this can be put to test and proven or disproven. Theoretically, based on how hot a 60watts bulb gets, we can make an assertion(proposition(logic)) that this is true.

My 60 watts electric tungsten filament bulb is very hot to the touch. Can I use it as a water heater: also can I use it as a room heater by placing it in front of a fan with settings to gentle breeze?

We talk about energy saving devices but I think we mean energy efficient devices. Our objective is to have the most efficient utilization of energy. Today's electric heaters requires alot of power—more of current than voltage. 

It is my conceptual idea to innovate a low energy water heater; a remodeling of the tungsten bulb into the design of a water heater. And a room heater by sucking in àir at one end and ejaculating at the other end after passage over a series of elongated tungsten filamentous bulbs(radiators).

 I am also in favour of using a transparent material like glass for the water heater because I love light-power technology. It is fragile; so handle with care. 

Remember: we at CCTI innovate—that is what we do with concept ideas.

Monday, June 6, 2022


 Defined(meta-){Of higher order or level}

Defined(metamorphosis or transfuguration){A complete change of physical form or substance especially as by magic or witchcraft}

Defined(substance){The essential part of anything; the most vital part.}

Metahumans is something you hear in superhero movies. I thus use it as a starting point. 

Permit me to use the analogy of carbon. When I say: "pure carbon" what comes to mind is probably "carbon black." Science however knows that "Diamond" is also pure carbon. The difference being in the structural arrangement of the carbon atoms. While Diamond is highly valued, carbon black is not.

Delving a little into physics(optics): We know that for a substance to emit light, it has to be excited i.a  move to a higher level, a meta-state. Human beings who are spiritually fluorescent(diamond) are on a higher level than those who are non-fluorescent(carbon black).

There are different levels of human meta-states. According to one publication, a former occult grandmaster(avatar), the lowest state of human existence is known as "maya". 

Some people don't know what food is thus, they have never left this lowest level of human existence. People are not plants. So, feeding on what plant can process as food means you're not eating. To attain enough excitation that results in spiritual fluorescence nonetheless, requires more spiritual & physical exercise than just eating.

Who knows; there might yet still be another level of existence, a meta-state or a manifestation i.a BIOLUMINESCENCE.