Friday, September 30, 2022


 Wavefunction: perform by propagation(waving)

Function: Perform as expected when called

Malfunction: failure to perform as expected when called.

Dysfunction: failure to perform when called

A• "Any program not designed by power will have many problems"—God 

B• "If a function is an icon, you must give it space to vibrate"—God

Based on this statement taken as a proposition:

1• the word of God is not subject to proof or disproof: but is self evident and

2• a bases for a logical argument.

An assertion from A above: 

programs that have many problems although defined as functions are running i.a "function() --> malfunction()

We also know that well designed programs can have problems when an update is issued. This might be due to update not designed by power. No offence Microsoft, but your browser might have been suffering from a lack of power which might explain the "snail" pace loading.

A dysfunction is a worse case scenario where a well designed program for some reason, fails to perform when called. Dysfunction might be one of the reasons frequent syntax changes are required in some software. Today a syntax works; tomorrow there is a dysfunction.

Whether dysfunction or malfunction; lack of power is a key reason. There is such a thing as {syntax holder} God has revealed what I am using to hold syntax. What happens to the Internet if I dump the hold?

Assertion from B above:

"If  (function is an icon) then {you must give it space to vibrate} andif (function vibrates} then {function is a wavefunction}

It is my belief that the main function controlling all the other function is a wavefunction

Sunday, September 18, 2022





Word reaction:-

Orgasm + Euphoria —> Orgasmaphoria

One day I was browsing the Internet and I saw a photograph of a lady in beach wear (G-string) with a pose: Suddenly I was seized with a very strong desire and I said to God "give her orgasm" as a short abrupt prayer. This was followed by the Holyspirit manifesting the answer. The Holyspirit is used to doing that i.a making a short prayer then manifesting the answer.

God once said; if a prayer gets answered; something manifests. In her picture there was a manifestation. I was calling this manifestation "orgasm" and God never commented. But recently in a statement He called this manifestation "Orgasmaphoria." And can be defined as the euphoria/ euphoric expression associated with "having an orgasm(sexaggeration)


While on my android, I had a flash of insight: The word exaggeration with an understanding. 

Example: "Shield strength has been exaggerated by 10%" means the tensile strength of the shields has been increased by 10%. Before then, the word exaggerated; I understood to mean adding falsehood to the truth.  E.g "I warned you a million times."

Meditation on the exaggeration resulted in another flash of insight.   I would like to believe this word is a reaction of sexa + exaggeration —> sexaggeration


I want to say something about shields:-

I had a dream: I was told we are going into hyperspace. There was no indication that I was in a space vehicle and what I was seeing was a small black hole downwards. I was also told that shields have problem. I replied: correct it . instantly something was thrown out which I believe to be the problem: The word Nigeria and a digital code. It was a dream so I didn't capture the code. It was something like this thrown onto the edge of the black hole:-

 Nigeria 529684838

This reminded me of the movie: "TRON " Where a piece of corrupt code was removed from the ISO program (lady) which allowed her to heal.


Alphanumeric: "Sex0cution" is a word God came up with. If you notice my processor as revealed on Twitter, you would understand why I use program sex0cution instead of program execution. Also I made a revelation on Facebook: If program is not fucking, it means you will not get what you want.


Long ago; God defined "Naked" as "the principle of truthfulness" and "Nakedromance" as "A type of marital relationship between God & man." How I came about Nakedromance is a long story. I created the phrase: "Naked romance" but God revealed it to a journalist saying "nakedromance: all one word." And I saw in vision what it was doing. 

• This inspired me to create the Nakedromance colored word. And Now with android software; I could create the gif image to show activity. 

• This program was reported as popping up on search engine globally. See the previous post; titled "TEST" for Nakedromance 


Recently God was asked what He is doing with the word Nakedromance and He answered: "garymony." From this we can draw a reasonable conclusion that garymony is a "word reaction" : 

{gary + matrimony —> garymony."} 

And while covenant is a general term; garymony is a specific term.


God commented on a movie saying; "Omegasm" is the word they are looking for. I was off in my spelling by a letter "r" between O & m in omegasm.


I built a model; a code of some sort and captured the image. Based on what I had created; I tried to find a name for it. When I came up with the word "manifemale" God said I manifested a new word. I then used that inspiration to create a new "component service"  program on my laptop. 


This is a recent word God revealed and it is a resultant of coitus + incidental(?) I struggled with the spelling based on the pronunciation "co-e-dental" but for some reason, I felt "t" is included but is silent on the pronouncing. God then revealed the spelling inclusive of "t" is the Power-version: coitdental.


When God revealed that words with sperm value has a vàlue of 1 i.a {sperm value= 1} I tried out a "word reaction" a derivative of dick + dictionary. I wasn't serous about it until God defined it as containing words with sperm value. This is good for programming because words that don't have sperm value is not a blessing. 

I noticed that the cache of words are becoming many and it occurred to me WE NEED A DICTIONARY OF TRUTHS. I have noticed that a word can have direct conflicting definition in reference to first definition and second definition of the same word. Maybe that is one of the reason GOD needs an {AI} dictionary to avoid conflict of understanding. 


in year 2000, I was listening to a late night show and the presenter talked about relationships where one person is in love while the other is not and wanted a word for it. God gave her the word i.a "Platonic". Dictionary definition however seems to be off. 

Recently I heard God telling a female to stop looking for what dictionary is doing with words. I believe this is not to say she should stop checking up word definition.

I also find it disturbing that dictionary doesn't really like God. {Holyspirit} all one word; God revealed the spelling of His name.  In conversation In a very strong angry tone, somebody said to God: "We will never include it." Meaning they will never include it in the dictionary.

God revealed the first language is sex. This might not be unconnected with an actress whom I showed something she did and she responded; "everything you are doing with language is sex." 

 Using this inspiration; one could say we have a programming language "sex" or masked as "first language" or "first" for short. The third testament of the Bible(Additions To The New Testament) is restoration covenant. And these three [covenant] remain and the greatest of these covenant is the covenant of love. I suspect that to be garymony. see 1 Corinthians 13:13 NIV 1984


(verb): To forcefully separate an essential part (of "something"): to forcefully detach  e.g to deject the external fuel tanks from a fighter aircraft while in flight for better maneuvering during a Dodge-Fight.

More can be said but this should suffice for understanding of the message.

Thursday, September 15, 2022


 Grecian myth(Artemis):-

Etymology: From Ancient Greek  ἌArtemis.

The Greek goddess of the hunt, wild animals, wilderness, and the MOON.  The daughter of Leto and Zeus; the sister of APOLLO.

KEYNOTE: goddess of the MOON and sister of APOLLO.

I know something about the moon & NASA space program. For example: I know NASA station 9 was once the "temple of golden wisdom"

It seems the former god of Egypt who relocated to planet Venus after the judgement[Numbers 33:3-4] was also a teacher in the temple at station 9. On the Internet there was a website I visited—they were looking for the demon.

Numbers 33:

[3] The Israelites set out from Rameses on the fifteenth day of the first month, the day after the Passover. They marched out boldly in full view of all the Egyptians,

[4] who were burying all their firstborn, whom the Lord had struck down among them; for the Lord had brought judgment on their gods.

I remember seeing in vision how a singer/song writer went onto the moon via the Himalayan mountain. When the Angels took liquid fire to the moon; I was surprised to see one of my friends among those running from the burn. But it wasn't unexpected because when I became Anointed; he told me of his adventure to seek the devil to become more powerful also.



God has revealed to me NASA wants me to be artemis. This is very dangerous.  Report has shown the artemis program; sister of apollo has been encountering issues resulting in the cost of the space program overshooting exponentially. At this time 16 attempts

I had a dream: The Rocinante from the movie series: "The Expanse"  was flying synchronously with another spacecraft. They landed on the moon. There were two gigantic beings very tall. Perhaps the likeness of the beings created with the proto-molecule. 

I started pleading the blood of Jesus against the beings but there seems to be no effect. I began asking; looking in the direction of the tall beings: "why is the blood of Jesus not working in space?"  I said this repeatedly.

One of the tall beings went into the Rocinante and drove it off like a car. The other one looked in my direction and started approaching in my direction. It engulfed me while I was still calling on the blood of Jesus. Maybe it was trying to possess me.

I woke up at that point and continued in prayer. In about less than a minute God said: "IF YOU SEND WITCHES TO THE MOON; THEY WILL BURN!" Was He talking to NASA? God also said: Holden(movie character) will not agree that is what he is doing: driving car on the moon.

So I now ask NASA: What have you done? The consequences of your actions is grave. But look on the bright side: If you send witches to the moon; they will indeed BURN and it will be global knowledge. 

Sequel to my question: Will you now send human beings to the moon with an explosive under their seat to try and hurt God?

Saturday, September 3, 2022



For some reason HTML program wanted me to use the prophetic syntax. This what kick started this test. Programmers saw it and the wanted me to show them how I write the onColorChangedEvent i.a magenta alarm.

God has however said; they will not get what the want: they will not see the syntax He is using. Also note: The nakeromance program which Google used to design Google knol was recovered and moved to my network after Google abandoned the knol project.

Nonetheless I remembered around 2004 when I was informed that my nakedromance program was popping on search engine all over the world. This gave me an idea to use the prophetic function to magically get and paste i.a WRITING ON THE WALL.

I figured to write a prophecy would require a writer. I chose my function "document.write" A cooment on this is found on my Twitter page: (/Gsabiya) I also needed an alerter and a pop to make this globally as the nakedromance. alert("") can serve this purpose.

I however bring to your attention what you already know. My activities on the Internet has dwindled down. This is because of my disinterest in the internet. Nonetheless, a few here and there. If you haven't click the message button above; do so now to get the message and move to the next post.